We are importers and exporters of leather skins and hides to and from different countries.


We are one of the few reputed shoe manufacturers in Mauritius.
We produce: Neolite Tunit Rubber ( Resin) sheets; different colors, hardnesses, thicknesses and designs are available upon customer request. from 2,5 up to 6 mm - EVA sheets also different hardnesses, thicknesses, colors and designs. - Hawaina sheets different colors and thicknesses. - EVA injection, PVC, PU and Rubber soles - EVA injection, PVC and PU slippers - Cellulose board laminated with EVA sheets.
National Center of Leather and Footwear.
The National Centre of Leather and Shoes "C.N.C.C." is a public institution established by law nr.69/9 dated 24 January 1969 and placed under the patronage of the Ministry of Industry.
The Centre statutes have been modified three times (Law nr. 82/44 dated 25 may 1982, Law nr.93/101 dated 20 October 1993 and Law nr.95/439 dated 13 March 1995) in order to allow the Centre follow the development of the economic situation and to fit the evaluating reality of sector's firms. The last law's subject concerned the setting of standard statutes of technical centres operating in the industrial sectors.
The C.N.C.C. acts for development and promotion of the leather and shoe sector in Tunisia.
Equipped with testing stations and analysis laboratories, the C.N.C.C. gives assistance to the sector's different fields of activity: rawhides collection, tannery, shoes, fine leather goods, leather clothing and annexed industries.
In order to, efficiently, assist operators in the leather industries sector, the C.N.C.C. puts at the profession disposal a number of services carried out by its different departments: Technical department (shoes, fine leather and clothing only), laboratories, rawhides, tannery, training, handicraft, promotion and information.

Centre Sectoriel de Formation et des Techniques Appliquees en Cuir.
Le CSFTAC est un établissement de formation de base et a pour principale mission la réponse aux besoins du secteur en matière de personnel d'encadrement dans les filières de conception, encadrement de la production et maintenance. Nos diplômes: Techniciens en: -gestion méthodes des indutries de la chaussure -fabrication des industries de la chaussure -industrie du cuir -maintenance des machines de cuir -styliste modéliste en chaussure -designer modéliste em maroquinerie Nous assurons également le perfectionnement du personnel technique de l'entreprise.