We are specialized in all kind of footwear components, leather semi-finished and finished parts, rubber parts, accessories, soles, etc.

OPEZA Operadora Zapatera del Centro

We sell used shoes & store returns and stock lot shoes from USA & Canada. We carry grade A shoes packed in 55/lbs or 50/lbs bags and with a minimum of 4 Sport shoes and 3 Men dress shoes 8-10 kids and rest ladies in the bag. We also sell department store return shoes at very competitive prices. Please contact us by Email and inform us about your requests and we will send you our prices ASAP.

A comprehensive resource of organizations, associations, discussion groups, publications, product information, and patient care facilities specializing in orthotics and prosthetics.
OSTA - Ontario Shoe Travellers Association
Since forming in 1942, the association has been responding to the needs of its members, fostering their mutual success.
Operated by volunteer members, annual elections are held to determine the Board of Directors. Each director, elected to a two-year term, serves on various committees which are committed to responding to the needs of its members. Committees address legal issues, sales, marketing, and benevolence.
A key function of the OSTA is the organization of the Toronto Shoe Show, run each February and August
The OSTA has been bringing footwear representatives and retailers together for over forty years.
We are a not-for-profit association with a mandate to support and assist the shoe travellers of this province, and beyond.
In addition to providing member benefits and up-to-date industry trends and information, we sponsor the Toronto Shoe Show twice annually - in February and August.
The goal of our tradeshows is to create an exciting marketplace for footwear retailers in Ontario and across the country.
At the Toronto Shoe Show, exhibitors and retailers can efficiently buy, sell and develop business networks. The OSTA is a valuable resource to its members and puts their business first.
In addition to assisting members, the OSTA is a proud supporter of the Two/Ten Foundation, organizing a variety of fundraising events throughout the year.
It is our pleasure to assist the needs of our members.
OSTA - The Ontario Shoe Travellers Association
The Ontario Shoe Travellers Association.
The OSTA has been bringing footwear representatives and retailers together for over forty years.
We are a not-for-profit association with a mandate to support and assist the shoe travellers of this province, and beyond.