We design and manufacture shoes (sneakers, sandals, boots...etc) and bags(handbag, backpaks, travel carriers, brief cases...etc) for the last 15 years for mostly Korean top brand companies. We have factories in Korea and China. Please give us email for any inquiry.

Elim Shoe & Bag

Production of good quality bags and handbags "Made in Italy". Competitive prices.
We are established since 1984 as manufacturer of Golf Bags, Briefcases, Ladies bags, Wallets, Purses, Belts, Travel Bags and all types of leather goods for personal use. We look forward to catering to your requirements and want to establish a mutually beneficial relationship with you. Any of your request catalogue and price list will be answered as soon as possible. Please do not hesitate to contact any further information.

We are export agents looking for customers all over the world who wish to import leather goods from Italy.

Our company, founded in 1881, (privatized in 1995) produces saddles. The leather we use is made in our own tannery. We export to several European countries. We are looking for distributors or wholesale dealers in Europe, in this respect we would gladly prepare any information you need in case you are interested in our proposal.